Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Human Faced Fish

Remember when I posted a photo of
the human faced fish?
Well, I was cruising youtube and found
a news video of them
Still freaky as ever


buffalodick said...

Well. why not? I know some pretty fishy humans...:)

Kayla said...

Hi Buffalo,
Hey, we can all make a "fish face"

Tim said...


Kayla said...

Hi Green,
They do look human faced, don't they?
Much more believable in the video that the photo.

Lord Hutton said...

whoa. scary

Tim said...

kayla: you should do your sexy men list.

btw, nice new profile pic. Is that the real you?

egan said...

I didn't know you were still blogging. Look what I found here. How goes it?

Anonymous said...

Not many humans have lips like that - but oddly I do!

Kayla said...

I know..makes you wonder how this fish came to be

Sexy men post coming soon.
Actually, the second fish on the video is me

Hi Egan,
I sneaked a peek at your blog, and here you are!
I'm doing pretty well all in all.
Work is usual, taking mini vacations to break the monotony.
Baby Singe is beautiful. You've taken such cute photos of her and the family.

Hey Mutley,
If you have lips like that, I'll take you up on the mentos and arrowroot date...no costume!

Tim said...

kayla: cool. can't wait to see what you've come up with.

btw, very nice pic, ms. second fish on the video.

DaBich said...

Oh My Word! That fish is freaky!

Stopping by to say "Hi!"

David Amulet said...

Scary, indeed!

Is it just me ... or does that fish on the right look remarkably like the wacky Ben Stein??

Kayla said...

Why thank you, Green. I promise I don't smell fishy like the other fish.

Freaky is the word for sure.
I'm glad they were able to video the fish..makes it much more believable.
Many people thought the photos were a hoax.

Haha...you've got a point there.
Long nose, blank stare...

Mr. Shife said...

Those fish are freaky. I think somebody might have some explaining to do. They might want to talk to the pool guy. Thanks for stopping by. I hope I can fill the Phat's void while he is away doing whatever he is doing. Probably sewing his Purdue Pete outfit together.

TOPolk said...

Note to self: Find out where the video was filmed and never drink the water there.

buffalodick said...

I like your new picture! Neat angle!

Phil said...

What was really freaky is that one of them looked like Bush, but he's a rat.

Martin said...

Scarier yet is that one of them is going to try out for American Idol.

Tim said...

kayla: I'm sure you don't normally smell fishy at all. :>)

Kayla said...

Thanks for coming by..yeah, we'll need some entertainment since Phats left
Ask the pool guy ;-)

Good advice to self!
That's one funky gene pool

Thanks Buffalo,
You should know..

Hey Phil,
I'm willing to bet Bush may have had something to do with the funky genes...

Hi 80's nut,
With lips like those, they could probably sing better than some on the show

You're right, Green.
I try to always smell like my favorite perfume, Prada.

Tim said...

what is it about Prada that attracts you to it? Can you describe it?