Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Shine over Babylon" by Sheryl Crow


Kayla said...

Enjoy the vid for now..
Promise to have photos soon..
(hold on Green!)

Anonymous said...

We miss you! come back soon!!

Tim said...

Good video.

I'm holding!!

Phil said...

I like Sheryl Crow and used to listen to her 'Sheryl Crow' self-titled album ALL the time and that reminds me... It's not one I've burnt to iTunes yet, so I'm off to find it and reminisce :]

buffalodick said...

You ok? Haven't heard a peep from you in a long time... Hope all is well..

Kayla said...

Hey everyone!
I'm working on a new post in a few minutes..will have photos.
Thank you all for checking in with me, as I know I haven't been around much lately.

Kayla said...

Okay....Blogger is bumming out on me.
Won't let me upload photos.
I'll try again later