Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Put on a Happy Face

This is the Martian crater Galle.
A large meteor impacted the surface of Mars,
creating internal markings reminiscent of a smiley face.

Go ahead...try not to crack a smile when you look at it!

And, in case anyone is curious...
I decided I would go ahead and use Kayla instead of KJ.
The way I figure it, old bf will find me on Blogger if he hasn't already.


The Grunt said...

That crater is very amusing--I did crack a smile! Nice place, Kayla. How's the rent? Sorry you had to move, but at least I know where you are.

Thanks for dropping by my place and lifting my spirits.

Yoda said...

Nice pic of the crater!

Sorry to know about the old bf story. Maybe I can help. You need to take your blog off Google searches. Otherwise the guy could just keep on searching for a particular text (like your About me) and keep on finding the new blog.

Kayla said...

Hi Grunt,
Glad I could cheer you up a little bit!
Rent's a little steep, but the place has a nice view

Hey Yoda,
I didn't know about Google blog search..when I looked at the help section it reads:
"If you do not publish a site feed for your blog, it will not be included in Blog Search". the risk of sounding like an idiot, I didn't even realize I was publishing a "site feed"!
Does that mean where I list my blog addy on my profile?

snowelf said...

Welcome back!!! Sometimes a blog move is a necessity, though I am sorry that it sounds like something you really should not have had to deal with.

I absolutely adore this picture!! It might be one of my favorites that you've ever posted. :)

take care and hugs to you!

egan said...

I thought this was a picture of a sand sculpture. Yes, the old bf story has me wondering what's up.

b o o said...

welcome back. great pic as usual. for everything else HUGS.

Kayla said...

Hi Snow,
Thank you so much for *all* of your comments. I need some female input, and you supplied it! :-)
Glad you so enjoyed the photo.

Hi Egan,
It does look a lot like sand!
The old bf was reading my blog, and decided he would find my (changed) phone number and start calling me..
It felt like harassment..
It's very difficult to be rude to someone you used to love and extra curse for the 'southern girl'

Hi Boo,
Thank you so much! And I'll take every hug you have :-)

buffalodick said...

Tell me where old boyfriend lives. I bet I know people close that could dissuade him from bothering you for a 12 pack....

Kayla said...

1475 Oaktree Dr.

Haha..just kidding! But I will keep that in mind...and a spare 12 pack in the fridge

Me Myself and I said...

Welcome back!

Love that crater photo :)

JLee said...

That is too cute! I'm sorry about your ex trouble, Kayla. Since I am a big Pete Yorn fan though, I love the new blog name (and the song of course) :)

snowelf said...

No problem, Kayla!! Anytime!!

And Yoda knows a lot more about blocking out your blog than I do, so he could probably get you set up with that if you need it, cause I'm really not sure how. But I know there's some sort of code you can add, I just don't know what.


2 Dollar Productions said...

Smiley faces like that makes dopes of us all - in a good way. You can't not smile back. And way to stand out in the open with yr. own name.

Anonymous said...

Have A Nice Day On The Moon.

You should really have an educational-science show on cable. To paraphrase Chistine McVie, you make learnin' fun.

Glad to see you back on the blogs. I know you're in MySpace somewhere...still looking through our 52 pages of fiends...friends trying to find you.


Kayla said...

Hi Celeste,
Thanks! And glad you enjoy the cool crater

Hi JLee,
That's right! Knew you'd get the Pete connection.

Hi Snow,
I took a few tips from you Yoda, and a few others have made suggestions I have in the working.
I feel better about it all now.
Thanks, girl!

Hey $2,
It's like a huge "hello" from the Universe!
And I was tired of the semi-anonymous what the Hell? Let the dice fall where they may...I'm ready

Kayla said...

Heyyyyyyyyyyah Jon!

Nice to be back, and great to have you connected again.
Maybe I could do a nude science show similar the the "naked news" in the UK? HA!
No prob about the MySpace friend long as I know I'm one of the Original Harem

Cat's Confessions said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cat's Confessions said...

Hey Kayla, sorry to hear about the ex bf trouble. The photo of the crater did give me a smile, thnx for sharing. I'm glad your still on blogger, I was happy to your comment on my blog! Btw that was me that deleted the comment above.. It had a typo, lol.

Kayla said...

Hi Catherine,
Good to see you again!
I'm about to post a bedtime prayer for a man..check it out

Anonymous said...

First off, thanks for buying the CD. Secondly, CDBABY is a fantastic site. Other than the JAM RECORDS online store, it's the only part of the distribution that we control. JAM has so far gotten it to a couple of distributors in the UK and Spain, with more to come.

Speaking of smiley faces, I got a check from JAM today, and it too had a smiley face on it...and in turn, the check made me have a smiley face for a few seconds. Now it's back to it's normal scowl/smirk.

Anonymous said...

Oh snap...I just saw your post about the Naked Science News. I think it would work, and I offer my cameraman skills for free.

Kayla said...

Hi Jon,
You're welcome! I await its arrival with great anticipation! CDBaby's confirmation email blurb put a big smile on my face..even had to laugh out loud reading about how carefully the CD was packed, and they all said Bon Voyage when it was shipped..and then threw a party. That alone will make me return to the site for more!

I'm sure it's nice to see a little green, smiley face or not, after all of the hard work put in releasing Moodring. Hopefully it had enough zeros to keep the smirk/scowl to a minimum! Ha

Hey, with all the free time on your hands now, Naked Science News can be your new project..yeah, that's it..that's the ticket...

Phil said...

That's crate! LOL geddit :]

Kayla said...

Hey DoGGA,
You're punny...