Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cat Woman

Poor woman. Reportedly she had cosmetic surgery to make her look like a cat. The reason? An attempt to attract her cheating husband...who loves big cats.
Want to sleep with her?


Tim said...

The only reason people get elective cosmetic surgery is vanity. And it usually turns out to be a mistake in the end.

And now you have people like Michael Jackson and even this woman, whose face would melt if she ever gets too close to an open flame.

Who knows, though. That may improve her appearance...

Cosmetic surgery should be only used when medically necessary - like to repair someone's face if badly damaged in a car accident or fire or something.

Anonymous said...


I'd need surgery to make me look like John Cusack or someone to make me attractive enough for even HER to want to sleep with me.... :)

buffalodick said...

Gaaahh!!!!!! I thought Divine was dead!

Tanya Kristine said...

um. he LIKES big cats...i'm pretty sure he didn't want to mate them. yuk.

Lord Hutton said...

Some people are very very stupid

Tim said...

Hey Kayla, just checking in to see how you are doing. Hope all is well in your world. Email me sometime....

Tim said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Kayla!!

White Magpie said...

wtf? Is this for real? I dont believe this :) Is she sure he wasn't talking about pussy?

Tim said...


Hello? (knocks twice) Hello? Is anybody home?

Almost two months without a post!

Are you okay?

If you are then you are way past due for another post...

Hope all is well in your world.


buffalodick said...

Miss you, dear... Post something! As far as your life goes- tell me some good news that has happened to you!

Tim said...



is anybody home?

just checking to see if you're still alive!

I hope so....

Phil said...

Good God, I thought it was a demented wax figure of something.
Oh yeah, I'm hot now....

Kayla said...

Phil! Hi!
so cool to "see" you again.
How is your life going?

;phil; said...

Kayla! Next month will be 12 years in the game. I am STILL doing treatments but I'm not dead 😉 that's a good thing. Do you ever check Blogger? I hope all is well. {{{hugs}}}