Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Cat is an Alien

The transparent eyes are a dead giveaway...
These days Gracie is living outdoors during the daytime
and comes to the front door around 11pm
waiting to be let indoors
to sleep with me.
Any other alien animals out there?


Anonymous said...

I have two cats that stay out all night and come back to sleep during the day! We have a third cat that showed up the other day, and I refuse to let it in the house. I don't know what to do with it, it's gonna starve but he want go away. This winter it will be cold on him. The kids gave him a name (Boots) cause he has little white feet... wanna cat?

snowelf said...

Awww! So cute!!

My cat is a stressed out mess because my chilis are too overzealous and excited now that we have her. I am going to need a kitty shrink soon if the "newness" doesn't wear off :S


Phil said...

Bark, bark, woof, snarl :]

L said...

Chico is definitely from a different world.

Phats said...

Watch out for Scully and Mulder!

buffalodick said...

We've always have had females, and gotten them fixed early. Few escapes, but they have always come back!

Tim said...

Hey Kayla, how are you doing these days? Hope you are well...

Found a new man, yet?

I think all cats act alienish at times... dogs, too.

Kayla said...

Hi Gary,
I think Gracie thinks she is a princess, and would never allow another cat to enter the household!
And, now that the kids have named the cat, you'll just HAVE to feed him and keep him. ;-)

Hi Snow,
Oh no! A stressed out cat is not good. They tend to scratch the furniture. Hope your kitty is declawed.

Hey Up, DoGGa!
Gracie is a flirt. Always purring to have her way with the dogga

Hi Lori,
I love how cats have such varied personalities.

Hi Phats,
Forget Scully..bring on Mulder.
He is a hottie!

Hi Buffalo,
I've had both males and females.
All fixed. Seems the males are sweeter and more friendly.

Hi Green,
No..been on one single solitary date so far. He is a great guy from my church, but he travels so much, it's hard for us to get together.
I admire a hard working man, but not to the point of rarely getting to see him!

Anonymous said...

just my luck.... I need to take him to the vet before I let him in my house!

2 Dollar Productions said...

I had a cat growing up with that exact schedule, and I was always impressed by it. A little individuality is a healthy (and not alien) thing. Ha.

Kayla said...

Hey Gary,
Yep..sorry to tell you, but it sounds like this cat is now officially yours!
Save up you $$ for the vet

Hey $2,
Exactly...I love the different personalities of cats..individuality is certainly a good thing.